American Hustle

American Hustle_v3

I wanna show you something. People come from all over the world to see this.

Yeah, he's good. Yeah.

It's a fake.

But.. it's impossible.

People believe, what they wanna believe.

This entry was posted on Saturday, August 30, 2014 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 . You can leave a response .

3 Responses to “ American Hustle ”

  1. Q : What kind of image draws in your mind when you heard the name "Beetle", the Sinhala blogger ?

    A : A person who is always sitting in front of a giant Screen.. heh heh..

  2. Ha ha... No I don't sit in front of a giant screen :D

    1. ha haa .. Just kidding mate... these quotes are really favorite one is;

      My mother always says

      "The wrong train can take you to the right station. "

      Your mother? You told me that you were an orphan.

      Yes, but when I say "My mother always says ..." people take me seriously.

      It feels good.
